Sunday 27 August 2017


1st shift

1st shift of the exam (8th August).

Q1. What is the name of Acid found in Ants?
Ans-Formic Acid

Q2. Who verifies President Impeachment?
Ans- Both Houses

Q3. How many types of Writs are there in the Constitution?

Ans- Five(5)

Q4. Which is the largest state in terms of Area in India?

Ans- Rajasthan

Q5. Which is the largest state with maximum coastline?

Ans- Gujarat

Q6. Galileo's law also known as?

Ans- Law of Inertia

Q7. The function of Xylem in plants?

Ans- Transportation of water

Q8. Itai-itai disease is caused by?

Ans-Cadmium Poisoning

Q9. What is the full form of LAN?

Ans- Local Area Network

Q10. What is Railway Vikalp scheme?

Ans- Vikalp scheme will give waitlisted passengers berths in other trains at no extra cost.

Q11. What is important for food security?

Q12. Questions related to storage, MSP, Fair price store etc?

Q13. Which film is the winner of Oscar 2017?

Ans. Moonlight

Q14. The highest production of opium in India?

Ans. Arunachal Pradesh

Q15.Cholera was discovered by?

Ans. Robert Koch

Q16.Who is the ex officio president of the Indian Parliamentary Group?

Ans. Speaker of Lok Sabha

Q17. Who built Vijay Stambh?

Ans. Rana Kumbha

Q18.Monument built by Maharana Pratap Singh?

Q19.Which country was involved in Jal Sanrakshan Samjhauta with India?

Ans. Israel

Q20.The writer of the book"citizen and society'?

Ans. Mohammad Hamid Ansari

Q21.Different women players of cricket,  hockey?


2nd shift of the exam (8th August).

Q1.How many fundamental duties are in the Constitution of India?

Ans. Eleven (11)

Q2.Who said the following quote " Back To Vedas"?

Ans. Dayanand Saraswati

Q3. What is part-IV of Indian Constitution?

Ans. Directive Principles of State Policy

Q4. Bulb filament is made of ?

Ans. Tungsten

Q5. Which book is written by Sania Mirza?

Ans. Ace Against Odds

Q6. Rover cup is related to which sport?

Ans. Football

Q7.Raja Todar Mal is related to which empire?

Ans. Finance Minister of the Mughal empire

Q8.Who invented dynamite?

Ans. Alfred Nobel

Q9.A question related to National Development Council.

Q10. Trees that lose all their leaves once a year are called?

Ans- Deciduous

Q11.  What transports water from the roots to leaves in plants?

Ans- Xylem transports water and solutes from the roots to the leaves.

Q12.Anaemia is the loss of ?

Ans. Blood (Iron Deficiency)

Q13. Which of the following is not a vector quantity?

Ans- Speed

Q14. Question related to primary,  secondary and tertiary sector?

Q15. What is gain of electron called?

Ans. Reduction

Q16. Disease caused by female anopheles?

Ans. Malaria

3rd shift

GA Questions asked in SSC CGL Tier-1 (8th August-Shift-3)

Q1. Who got Literature 2016 Noble Price?

Ans. Bob Dylan

Q2. Villi is found in which part of human body?

Ans. Small Intestine

Q3. Which living organism is segmented from head to tail?

Q4. From which country India adopt Presidentship?

Ans. USA

Q5. Synapse is the gap between?

Ans. A synapse is a structure that permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron.

Q6. Who is the musician in the Raja Agrsen's Palace?

Q7. Duge-the Hightest brigde formed in 2016 by which country?

Ans. China

Q8. One question from book and author.

Q9. Who is the architecture of Lucknow?

Q10. How much increment in 7th pay commission?

Q11. Who is know for Hindu Muslim unity in Lucknow session?


AFCAT 2017

AFCAT paper 27 August 2017 
  1. Upnishads were based on – philosophy
  2. Uzbekistan capital- Tashkent
  3.  Air Force Chief on 31 Dec 2016- Marshall birender singh dhanoa
  4. Where was the first Indian National Congress at time of WC Banerjee- Bombay 28-31 December 1885
  5. PV Sindhu won in Indian Super series series against whom- Carolina Marin
  6.  Who was defence minister in 1962 war- V.k Menon
  7. Kheoldev National park is located in- bharatpur Rajasthan
  8. Mohiniattyam is from which state- Kerala
  9.  Itutmish was from which dynasty- slave dynasty
  10. Asian Games , XVIII asiad location- Indonesia
  11.  Bogey is associated with which game- golf
  12. Who won Vijay hazard trophy- cricket, tamil nadu are the current winner.
  13.  Juan Manuel Santos won Nobel prize in which field- peace
  14.  WHO headquarters- Geneva
  15. Satpura hills located in-  Maharashtra
  16.  Who proposed the Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution-Jawaharlal Nehru
  17.  Which one is not Bharat Ratna awardee posthumously-– Gulzari Lal Nanda
  18. Thomas trophy related to which sport?- badminton
  19. Mahatma Gandhi starts Satyagrah from which place of bihar?- champaran
  20. The Old Man and the Sea’ book noble laureate – Ernest Hemingway
  21. The international date line passes through- Bering Strait 
  22. Prairies grassland- North America
  23. Most abundant gas of universe- Hydrogen
  24. Baglihar Dam- Chenab
  25. Winner of Kabbadi World Cup- India

Please be with us for more information....

Wednesday 28 June 2017

GST (goods and services tax)

Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a comprehensive tax levy on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and service at a national level under which no distinction is made between goods and services for levying of tax. 
GST will be levied on all transactions such as sale, transfer, purchase, barter, lease, or import of goods and/or services
It will mostly substitute all indirect taxes levied on goods and services by the Central and State governments in India.When GST (goods or services tax) rolls out on 1 July 2017, it will be the biggest tax reform since Independence. GST will subsume a large number of central and state taxes into a single tax, paving the way for a common national market.
Some of the following taxes will be bound together by the GST:
  • Central Excise Duty
  • Commercial Tax
  • Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • Food Tax
  • Central Sales Tax (CST)
  • Octroi
  • Entertainment Tax
  • Entry Tax
  • Purchase Tax
  • Luxury Tax
  • Advertisement tax

Goods and Service Tax or GST which is how it is popularly called world over, was first introduced in France in the year 1954. It was consequently after France that countries like Japan, South Korea, UK and Australia implemented the GST law.
There are around 160 countries in the world that have GST in place. GST is a destination based taxed where the tax is paid by the consumer. 
Most of the countries have a unified GST system but India is going to  adopted the Dual GST model, the first was  Canada who adopt dual gst model. It can be easily understand with the help of following diagram.

The most crucial aspect of this tax regime is the rate of GST that prevails on the various categories of products.
Under GST, goods and services will be taxed at the following rates, 
  1. 0%,
  2.  5%, 
  3. 12%, 
  4. 18%,
  5.  28%. 
There is a special rate of 0.25% on rough precious and semi-precious stones and 3% on gold.
GST rates of some countries are given below:-
CountryRate of GST
New Zealand15%
To be continue.....

Monday 29 May 2017

Defects in agricultural marketing policy in India

1Lack of Storage Facility:2. Distress Sale:3. Lack of Transportation:4. Unfavourable Mandis:
5. Intermediaries:6. Unregulated Market’s:7. Lack of Market Intelligence:8. Lack of Organisation:9. Lack of Grading:10. Lack of Institutional Finance
11. Unfavorable Conditions:
12. Unfavorable agricultural price policy
13. Multiple charges
14. Lack of proper knowledge etc.

Saturday 27 May 2017


What are the different kinds of Issues?
Primarily issues can be classified as a Public, Rights or preferential issues (also known as private placements). When public and rights issues involve a detailed procedure, private placements or preferential issues are relatively simpler. The classification of issues is illustrated below;

 Public issues can be further classified into initial Public offerings and further public offering. In a public offering, the issuer makes an offer for new investors to enter its shareholding family. The issuer company makes detailed disclosures as per the DIP guidelines in its offer document and offers it for subscription. The significant features are illustrated below:
Initial Public Offering (IPO) is when an unlisted company makes either a fresh issue of securities or an offer for sale of its existing securities or both for the first time to the public. This paves way for the listing and trading of the issuer’s securities.
A Further Public Offering (FPO) is when already listed company makes either afresh issue of securities to the public or an offer for sale to the public, though an offer document. An offer for sale is such scenario is allowed only if it is made to satisfy listing or continuous listing obligations.
Rights Issue (RI) is when a listed company which proposes to issue fresh securities to its existing shareholders as on a record date. The rights are normally offered in a particular ratio to the number of securities held prior to the issue. This route is best suited for the companies who would like to raise capital without diluting stake of its existing shareholder unless they do not intend to subscribe to their entitlements.
A private placement is an issue of shares or of convertible securities by a company to a selected group of persons under section 81 of the companies Act,1956, which is neither a right issue nor a public issue. This is a faster way for a company to raise equity capital.
A private placement of share or of convertible securities by a listed company is generally known by name of preferential allotment. A listed company going for preferential allotment has to comply with the requirements contained in Chapter Xlll of SEBI (DIP) Guidelines pertaining to preferential allotment in SEBI (DIP)guidelines which inter-alia include pricing disclosures in notice etc, in addition to the requirements specified in the Companies Act.               

  A Qualified Institutions Placement is a private placement of equity shares or securities convertible in to equity shares by listed company to qualified institutions Buyers only in terms of provision of chapter Xlll A of SEBI (DIP) guidelines. The Chapter contains provision relating to pricing, disclosures, currency of instruments etc.   

Friday 26 May 2017


1.       Power to make rules for controlling stock exchange: -
SEBI has power to make new rules for controlling stock exchange in India. For example, SEBI fixed the time of trading 9 AM and 5 PM in stock market.
2.       To provide license to dealers and brokers: -
SEBI has power to provide license to dealers and brokers of capital market. If SEBI sees that any financial product is of capital nature, then SEBI can also control to that product and its dealers. One of main example is UPIL’S case SEBI said, " It is just like mutual funds and all banks and financial and insurance companies who want to issue it, must take permission from SEBI."
3.       To Stop fraud in Capital Market: -
 SEBI has many powers for stopping fraud in capital market. It can ban on the trading of those brokers who are involved in fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to stock market. It can impose the penalties on capital market intermediaries if they involve in insider trading.
4.       To Control the Merger, Acquisition and Takeover the companies: -
Many big companies in India want to create monopoly in capital market. So, these companies buy all other companies or deal of merging. SEBI sees whether this merge or acquisition is for development of business or to harm capital market.
5.       To audit the performance of stock market: -
 SEBI uses his powers to audit the performance of different Indian stock exchange for bringing transparency in the working of stock exchanges.        
6.       To make new rules on carry - forward transactions: -
Share trading transactions carry forward cannot exceed 25% of brokers total transactions.90 day limit for carry forward.
7.       To create relationship with ICAI:-
 ICAI is the authority for making new auditors of companies. SEBI creates good relationship with ICAI for bringing more transparency in the auditing work of company accounts because audited financial statements are mirror to see the real face of company and after this investors can decide to invest or not to invest. Moreover, investors of India can easily trust on audited financial reports. After Satyam Scam, SEBI is investigating with ICAI, whether CAs are doing their duty by ethical way or not.
8.       Introduction of derivative contracts on Volatility Index: -
For reducing the risk of investors, SEBI has now been decided to permit Stock Exchanges to introduce derivative contracts on Volatility Index, subject to the condition that; – The underlying Volatility Index has a track record of at least one year. b. The Exchange has in place the appropriate risk management framework for such derivative contracts. – Before introduction of such contracts, the Stock Exchanges shall submit the following:
 a. Contract specifications
b. Position and Exercise Limits
c. Margins
d. The economic purpose it is intended to serve
e. Likely contribution to market development
f. The safeguards and the risk protection mechanism adopted by the exchange to ensure market integrity, protection of investors and smooth and orderly trading.
g. The infrastructure of the exchange and the surveillance system to effectively monitor trading in such contracts, and
h. Details of settlement procedures & systems
 i. Details of back testing of the margin calculation for a period of one year considering a call and a put option on the underlying with a delta of 0.25 & -0.25 respectively and actual value of the underlying.
9.       To Require report of Portfolio Management Activities: -
SEBI has also power to require report of portfolio management to check the capital market performance. Recently, SEBI sent the letter to all Registered Portfolio Managers of India for demanding report.

10.   To educate the investors: -

Time to time, SEBI arranges scheduled workshops to educate the investors. On 22 may 2010 SEBI imposed workshop. If you are investor, you can get education through SEBI leaders by getting update information on this page.      



Development banks are special industrial financing institutions. These banks are mostly set up after World War II in both developed and underdeveloped countries. Development banks do not mobilize savings like other banks but invest the resources in a productive manner. These banks make significant contribution to industrial development.

Development Banks are the institutions engaged in the promotion and development of industry, agriculture and other key sectors.A development bank is an institution which takes up the job of developing industrial enterprises from its inception to completion.


D.M.Mithani states that, “A development bank may be defined as a financial institution concerned with providing all types of financial assistance (medium as well as long term ) to business units. 
William Diamond and Shirley Bosky consider industrial finance and development corporations as ‘development banks’ Fundamentally a development bank is a term lending institution.
Development bank is essentially a multi-purpose financial institution with a broad development outlook. A development bank may, thus, be defined as a financial institution concerned with providing all types of financial assistance (medium as well as long term) to business units, in the form of loans, underwriting, investment and guarantee operations, and promotional activities — economic development in general, and industrial development, in particular.
In short, a development bank is a development- oriented bank.

·          It is a specialized financial institution which provides medium term and long- term lending facilities.
·   It is multipurpose financial institution because besides providing financial help,it undertakes promotional activities also.
·         Development banks provide financial assistance to both public and private institutions.
·        The role of a development bank is of gap filler.
·        Development banks accelerate the rate of growth through helping in industrialization in specific and economic development in general.
·        The objective of development bank is to serve  the public interest rather than earning profits.
·         Development banks react to socio-economic needs of development. 

Need of development banks:
  • ·         Lay foundations for industrialization.
  • ·         Meet capital needs.
  • ·         Need for promotional activities.
  • ·         Help small and medium sectors.

Functions of development banks:

There are so many functions which are perform by the development bank.They can be explain with the help of the following table

Now let's discuss each important function of development banks one by one.

1. Small Scale Industries (SSI)

Development banks play an important role in the promotion and development of the small-scale sector. Government of India (GOI) started Small industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) to provide medium and long-term loans to Small Scale Industries (SSI) units. SIDBI provides direct project finance, and equipment finance to SSI units. It also refinances banks and financial institutions that provide seed capital, equipment finance, etc., to SSI units.
2. Development of Housing Sector

Development banks provide finance for the development of the housing sector. GOI started the National Housing Bank (NHB) in 1988.
NHB promotes the housing sector in the following ways:
·       It promotes and develops housing and financial institutions.
·       It refinances banks and financial institutions that provide credit to the housing sector.
3. Large Scale Industries (LSI)

Development banks promote and develop large-scale industries (LSI). Development financial institutions like IDBI, IFCI, etc., provide medium and long-term finance to the corporate sector. They provide merchant banking services, such as preparing project reports, doing feasibility studies, advising on location of a project, and so on.
4. Agriculture and Rural Development

Development banks like National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) helps in the development of agriculture. NABARD started in 1982 to provide refinance to banks, which provide credit to the agriculture sector and also for rural development activities. It coordinates the working of all financial institutions that provide credit to agriculture and rural development. It also provides training to agricultural banks and helps to conduct agricultural research.
5. Enhance Foreign Trade

Development banks help to promote foreign trade. Government of India started Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) in 1982 to provide medium and long-term loans to exporters and importers from India. It provides Overseas Buyers Credit to buy Indian capital goods. It also encourages abroad banks to provide finance to the buyers in their country to buy capital goods from India.
6. Review of Sick Units

Development banks help to revive (cure) sick-units. Government of India (GOI) started Industrial investment Bank of India (IIBI) to help sick units.
IIBI is the main credit and reconstruction institution for revival of sick units. It facilitates modernization, restructuring and diversification of sick-units by providing credit and other services.
7. Entrepreneurship Development

Many development banks facilitate entrepreneurship development. NABARD, State Industrial Development Banks and State Finance Corporations provide training to entrepreneurs in developing leadership and business management skills. They conduct seminars and workshops for the benefit of entrepreneurs.
8. Regional Development

Development banks facilitate rural and regional development. They provide finance for starting companies in backward areas. They also help the companies in project management in such less-developed areas.
9. Contribution to Capital Markets

Development banks contribute the growth of capital markets. They invest in equity shares and debentures of various companies listed in India. They also invest in mutual funds and facilitate the growth of capital markets in India.

v   Role of development banks in financial sector

Financial institutions provide means and mechanism of transferring resources from those who have an excess of income over expenditure to those who can make productive use of the same. The commercial banks and investment institutions mobilize savings of people and channel them into productive uses. Financial institutions provide all type of assistant required infrastructural facilities Institutions e p economic persons who can take the development in the following ways. The underdeveloped countries have low levels of capital formation. Due to low incomes, people are not able to save sufficient funds which are needed for sensing up new units and also for expansion diversification and modernization of existing units. The persons who have the capability of starting a business but does not have requisite help approach   to financial institutions for help. These institutions help large number of persons for taking up some industrial activity. The addition of new industrial units and increasing the activities of existing units will certainly help in accelerating the pace of economic development. Financial institutions have large inventible funds which are used for productive purposes
2. Infrastructural Facilities

Economic development of a country is linked to the availability of infrastructural facilities. There is a need for roads, water, sewage, communication facilities, electricity etc. Financial institutions prepare their investment policies by keeping national priorities in major and the institutions invest in those aim is which can help in increasing the development of the country. Indian industry and agriculture is facing acute shortage of electricity. All India  institutions are giving priority to invest funds in projects generating electricity. These investments will certainly increase the availability of electricity. Small entrepreneurs cannot spare funds for creating infrastructural facilities. To overcome this problem, institutions at state level are developing industrial estates and provide sheds, having all facilities at easy instalments. So financial institutions are helping in the creation of all those facilities which are essential for the development of a country
3. Promotional Activities

An entrepreneur faces many problems while setting up a new unit. One has to undertake a feasibility report, prepare project report, complete registration formalities, seek approval from various agencies etc. All these things require time, money and energy. Some people are not able to undertake this exercise or some do not even take initiative. Financial institutions are the expense and manpower resources for undertaking the exercise of starting a new unit. So these institutions take up this work on behalf of entrepreneurs. Some units may be set up jointly with some financial institutions and in that case the formalities are completed collectively. Some units may not have come up had they not received promotional help from financial institutions. The promotional role of financial institutions is helpful in increasing the development of a country.
4. Development of Backward Areas

Some areas remain neglected because facilities needed for setting up new units are not available here. The entrepreneurs set up new units at those places which are already developed. It causes imbalance in economic development of some areas. In order to help the development of backward areas, financial institutions provide special assistance to entrepreneurs for setting up new units in these areas. IDBI, IFCI, ICICI give priority in giving assistance to units set up in backward areas and even charge lower interest rates on lending. Such efforts certainly encourage entrepreneurs to set up new units in backward areas. The industrial units in these areas improve basic amenities and create employment opportunities. These measures will certainly help in increasing the economic development of backward areas.
5. Planned Development

Financial institutions help in planned development of the economy. Different institutions earmark their spheres of activities so that every business activity is helped. Some institutions like SIDBI, SFCI’s especially help small scale sector while IFCI and SIDC’s finance large scale sector or extend loans above a certain limit. Some institutions help different segments like foreign trade, tourism etc. In this way financial institutions devise their roles and help the development in their own way. Financial institutions also follow the development priorities set by central and state governments. They give preference to those industrial activities which have been specified in industrial policy statements and in five year plans. Financial institutions help in the overall development of the country
6. Accelerating Industrialization

Economic development of a country is linked to the level of industrialization there. The setting up of more industrial units will generate direct and indirect employment, make available goods and services in the country and help in increasing the standard of living. Financial institutions provide requisite financial, managerial, technical help for setting up new units. In some areas private entrepreneurs do not want to risk their funds or gestation period His long but the industries are needed for the development of the area. Financial institutions provide sufficient funds for their development. Since 1947, financial institutions have played a key role in accelerating the pace of industrialization. The country has progressed in almost all areas of economic development.
7. Employment Generation

Financial institutions have helped both direct and indirect employment generation. They have employed many persons to man their offices. Besides office staff, institutions need the services of experts which help them in finalizing lending proposals. These institutions help in creating employment by financing new and existing industrial units. They also help in creating employment opportunities in backward areas by encouraging the setting up of units in those areas, thus financial institutions have helped in creating new and better job opportunities.
Development banks in India

The foreign rulers in India did not take much interest in the industrial development of the country. The recommendation for setting up industrial financing institutions was made in 1931 by Central Banking Enquiry Committee but no concrete steps were taken. In 1949, Reserve Bank had undertaken a detailed study to find out the need for specialized institutions. It was in 1948, that the first development bank i.e. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) was established. To cater the needs of the small and medium enterprises, in 1951, Parliament passed State Financial Corporation Act. Under this Act, state governments could establish financial corporation’s for their respective regions. After this, National Industrial Development Corporation (NIDC) was established which could not serve the ambitious role assigned to it  and restricted itself to modernization and rehabilitation of cotton and jute textile industryIn 1955, The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Ltd.(ICICI) was established as a joint stock company. It provides term loans and takes an active part in the underwriting of and direct investments in the share of industrial units. Then in 1958, Refinance Corporation for Industry (RCI) was set up by the Reserve Bank of India. In 1964, IDBI was set up as an apex institution in the area of industrial finance, RCI was merged with IDBI. IDBI was a wholly owned subsidiary of RBI and was expected to co-ordinate the activities of the institutions engaged in financing, promoting, or developing industry.


(Without Advertisement)

Baumol’s findings of oligopoly firms in America reveal that they follow the sales maximisation objective. According to Baumol, with the separation of ownership and control in Morden Corporation, managers seek prestige and higher salaries by trying to expand company sales even at the expense of profits. Being a consultant to a number of firms, baumol observes that when asked how their business went last year, the business managers often respond, ‘’our sales were up to 3 million $’’. Thus, according to baumol, revenue or sales maximisation rather than profit maximisation is consistent with the actual behavior of firms.
Baumol cites evidence of suggest that shot-run revenue maximization may be consistent with the long-run profit maximization. But sales maximization is regarded as the short-run and long-run goal of management. Sales maximization is not only a means but an end in itself. He gives a number of arguments is support of his theory. According to him, a firm attaches great importance to the magnitude of sales and is much concerned about declining sales. If sales of firm are declining, banks, creditors and the capital market are not prepared to provide finance to it. Its own distributors and dealers might stop taking interest in it. Consumers might not buy its products because of its unpopularity. But if sales are large, the size of the firms expands which, in turn larger profits.
Baumol’s model is illustrated in fig. 1 where TC is the total cost curve, TR is the total revenue curve, TP is total production curve and MP is the minimum profit constraint line. The firm maximise its profits at OQ level of the output corresponding to the highest point B on the TP curve. But the aim of the firm is not maximize the profit but it want to maximize the sales. Its sales maximization output is OK where the total revenue KL is the maximum at the highest point of the TR. This sales maximization output OK is higher than the profit maximization output OQ. But sales maximization is subject to minimum profit constraint.

(Sales maximization model without advertisement.)

Suppose the minimum profit level of the firm is represented by the line MP. The output OK will not maximize sales as the minimum profit OM are not being covered by total profit KS. For sales maximization, the firm should produce profit but also gives the highest total revenue consistent with it. This level is represented by the OD level of output where the minimum profit is DC (=OM) are consistent with DE amount of total revenue at the price DE/OD, (I.e., total revenue /total output).


The sales maximization objective of the firms has been criticised on a number of point. First, Rosenberg has criticised the use of the profit constraint for maximizing sales. He has shown that it is difficult to specify exactly the relevant profit constraint for a firm, and choose the sales maximization and minimum profit constrain in Baumol’s analysis. Second, if expenditure on advertising is introduced in a Baumol’s theory, the likelihood of sales maximization is increased. But this view point is not realistic because the expenditure on advertising increase or decrease with the rise of fall in output. Third, the objective of sales maximization subject to profit constraint implies that ‘’the firm will not make any sacrifice in sales no matter how large an increment in wealth would thereby be achievable.’’ Despite these criticisms, the sales maximization is an important objective being pursued by business firms.   

Scope of Economics and Different Career Options

The Scope of Economics and Different Career Options Economics is the study of how people allocate their resources to meet their wants and ne...