Thursday, 22 September 2016

Economics theory & their writers name

Theory Writer Name

theory of clubs james buchanan
imposibility therom kenneth arrow
political of decision making model anthony downs
optimum provison of local public goods  charles tiebout
swarn like cluster schumpeter
organic composation of capital karl mark
sustainable development brundtland report
vicious circle of poverty ragner nurkse
low level of equilibrium trap nelson
inverted v shaped income distribution hypothesis simon kuznets
endogenous growth theory robert solow
unlimited supply of labour arthur lewis
example of dimond and water adam smith
the screening hypoothesis  paul w. miier and paul a. volcker
job market signalling m. spencer
the problem of moaral hazard in case of  J.k. arrow
medical insurance
the market of lemons george A.Akerlof
liquidity trap j.m. keynes
demostration effect james duesenberry
permanent income hypothesis milton friedman
wealth effect A.C. pigou
concept of X-efficiency H.leibenstein in 1966
golden age  mrs. joan robinson
goleden rule of accumulation  edmund phelfs
steady state growth  robert solow
financial dualism theory h.myint
portfolio approch to demand money j.m. keynes
the capicty creating aspect of investment  r.m. solow
in the growth model theory
role of non economic factor in explaing growth r.m. solow
backward and forward linkages unbalanced growth 
turnpike theorem  von neumann model
organic composation of capital marxian model
a.k. producation funcation endogenous growth model
law level equilibrium trap nelson R
critical minimum effect leibenstein H.
big push Rodan R
unbalanced growth  Hirchman A
voluntary exchange approch wicksell-lindahll
the theory of local public goods  charles tiebout
time pattern of public expenditure growth peacock-wiseman
principle of least aggregate sacrifice A.C. pigou
principle of absolute advantage  adam smith
effect of factor of endowment change on trade samuelson
theory of reciprocal demand j.s mills
factor price equalisation  Rybczynski
highbrid index number Yule
association of attributes Gulton
rank correlation  marshall -edgeworth
regression  spearman
wages goods model p.r. brahmananda
circuler flow of economic life  Joseph-schumpeter
stability of demand funcation for money milton friedman
demand inflaton theory Bent henson
interest elasticity of transactions demand for cash james tobin
real balance effect don patinkin
absolute income hypothesis, genral theory j.m. keynes 
rational expectation hypothesis robert lucas
relative income hypothesis james duesenberry
the new keynesian model
N.Gregory mankiew....   ........etc

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