Thursday 22 August 2019

Mock test- 2

TheEconomics hub
Q.1 A tax is said to be direct, when
A. Impact and incidence fall upon the same person
B. The only incidence falls upon the same  person
C. The impact is shifted to another person
D. Person escapes from paying tax

Q.2 Match the following
          List – I                                                              List – II
a) Theory of big push                                      i) J H Boeke
b) Warranted rate of growth                        ii) Paul Romer
c) Social dualism                                              iii) Rosenstein Rodan
d) Endogenous growth theory                      iv) RF Harrod  

Choose the correct option

A. a-ii, b-iii, c-iv, d-i
B. a-iii, b-I, c-iv, d-ii
C. a-iii, b-iv, c-I, d-ii
D. a-iv, b-ii, c-iii, d-i

Q.3 Who among the following is not associated with the endogenous growth theory?
A. Robert Solow  
B. Paul Romer
C. Rebelo
D. Robert Lucas

Q.4 Which age structure is important for the demographic dividend?
A. 0-14
B. 15-59
C. 60 and above
D. 0-14 and 60 and above

Q. 5 Market failure occurs in the case of most of the environmental goods, because
(A) Environmental goods are rival products
(B) Environmental goods are excludable products
(C) Environmental goods are Non-rival in production
(D) Environmental goods are Non-rival and Non-excludable in consumption  

Q.6 global competitiveness report is released by which of the following organizations?
(B) World economic forum
(C) EU
(D) World bank

Q.7 the Inada conditions are applicable to
(A) A well-behaved investment function
(B) A well-behaved consumption function
(C) A well-behaved technical progress function
(D) A well-behaved production function

Q. 8 why are indirect taxes called regressive?
(A) They are charged at higher rates than direct tax
(B) They are charged at the same rate for all income groups
(C) Both above are correct
(D) None of the above are correct

Q.9 consider the following statements about the law of variable proportions
1. Input ratio remains unchanged
2. Ultimately the marginal and average product of variable input becomes negative
3. Effect of technological changes is visible on the output

Choose the correct answer from the code given below
(A) (i) and (ii) are correct
(B) Only (ii) is correct
(C) (ii) and (iii) are correct
(D) None of the above statement is correct

Q.10 match list-I (authors) with list-ii (books) and choose the correct answer from the code is given below
                 List-I                                                                 list-ii
             (Authors)                                                          (Books)
(a) Milton Friedman                                           (i) Das capital
(b) Joseph Schumpeter                                      (ii) Capitalism and freedom
(c) Karl Marx                                                        (iii) Capital in the 21ST century
(d) Thomas Piketty                                              (iv) Capitalism, socialism and democracy
(a)- (iii), (b)-(i), (c)- (iv), (d)- (ii)
(a)- (ii), (b)- (iv), (c)- (i), (d)- (iii)
(a)- (iii), (b) - (ii), (c)- (i), (d)- (iv)
(a)- (iv), (b)-(iii), (c)- (i), (d)- (ii)

Q.11 The analysis of variance is carried out by using:
(A) T-test
(B) Z-test
(C) X2-test
(D) F-test

Q.12 If interest payments are subtracted from the gross fiscal deficit, the remainder will be?
(A) Revenue deficit
(B) Gross primary deficit
(C) Capital deficit
(D) Budgetary deficit

Q.13 During the planning period, the highest growth rate was achieved during
(A) Eighth plan
(B) Tenth plan
(C) Ninth plan
(D) Seventh plan

Q.14 Assertion (A): Agriculture is the main source of livelihood of people in India. Reason (R): Measures for agricultural development should be undertaken.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Q.15 Indicate the sequence of the following taxes in terms of their implementation.
a. Income Tax
b. Expenditure Tax
c. Value Added Tax
d. Fringe Benefits Tax
(A) a, c, b, d
(B) a, b, c, d
(C) b, c, d, a
(D) c, d, a, b

Q.15- B


TheEconomics hub

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